Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources
WDNR SHWIMS on the Web - Glossary of Terms

Glossary of terms used in SHWIMS on the Web

Activity: An ongoing process or one-time/periodic event that is occurring or has occurred at a site and is regulated by the Waste Management Program of the DNR. Facilities are located at sites and are involved in one or more activities.

Activity Status:

  • Active
    The facility operating at the site is actively involved in this activity.
  • Inactive
    The facility operating at the site is no longer actively involved in this activity, currently inactive.
  • Long-term Care
    The facility operating at the site is no longer actively involved in this activity, but regulations for this activity require special handling which may include continued monitoring, inspection or financial evaluation. Long-term Care status applies to sites regulated as solid or hazardous waste disposal facilities.
  • Monitoring
    The facility operating at the site is not actively involved in this activity, but environmental monitoring (usually groundwater monitoring) is being conducted on site.
  • Proposed
    The facility operating at the site has submitted a proposal (usually through the plan review process) to engage in this activity. Actual involvement in this activity has not yet begun.
  • Transitional
    The facility operating at the site has begun a process to no longer be involved in this activity. Actual involvement in this activity may already have ceased, but other requirements must be met before the facility is considered inactive in the activity.
  • Withdrawn
    The facility operating at the site submitted a proposal (usually through the plan review process) to engage in this activity, but withdrew their proposal before completing the approval process. Actual involvement in this activity had not yet begun.

Activity Type: Categories are used for grouping the activities regulated by the Waste Management Program of the DNR. The following is a list of categories and what activities are included in each:

  • Solid Waste Landfills/Disposal Facilities category includes:
    Landfill -
      0-50,000 Cu Yd
      50,000-500,000 Cu Yd
      >500,000 Cu Yd
      >500,000 Cu Yd - Monofill
    Solid Waste -
      Intermediate Demo >50,000 to <=250,000 Cu Yd
      One Time Disposal
      Demolition <=50,000 Cu Yd
      Surface Impoundment
      Land Spreading Facility
      Land Spreading Facility Exempt

  • Solid Waste Storage/Treatment/Processing Facilities category includes:
    Solid Waste -
      Woodburning Site
      Refuse Derived Fuel Storage Site
      PCB Storage Site
      PCB Treatment Site
      Commercial PCB Facility
      Storage Facility
      Storage - Container
      Storage - Noncontainer
      Storage Tank - above ground
      Storage Tank - below ground
      Small Storage Facility
      Processing Facility
      Processing Composting (not yard & food waste)
      Processing Infectious Waste Treatment
      Processing Contaminated Soil Treatment
      Processing Waste Solidification
      Waste to Energy Facility
      Air Curtain Destructor
      Materials Recovery Facility (Recycling)
      Food Waste Composting
      Yard Waste Composting <20,000 Cu Yd
      Yard Waste Composting >=20,000 Cu Yd
    Municipal Solid Waste -
      Large Combustor
      Small Combustor
    Tire Processing
    Tire Storage

  • Solid Waste Exempt Treatment Activities category includes:
    Solid Waste Beneficial Use or Reuse/Low Hazard Exemption

  • Solid Waste/Recyclables Transporters category includes:
    Solid Waste Transporter
    Solid Waste/Recyclables Transporter
    Recyclables Transporter
    Solid Waste/Municipal Solid Waste Ash Transporter

  • Solid Waste Transfer Facilities category includes:
    Solid Waste Transfer Facility -
      Large (>100 Tons/Day)

  • Solid Waste Miscellaneous Activities category includes:
    Asphalt Plants
    Mobile Soil Remediation Units
    Well Field
    Solid Waste Management Unit
    Building On An Abandoned Landfill (Remediation & Redevelopment Program)
    Waste Registry Site (Remediation & Redevelopment Program)
    Non-Waste Registry Site (Remediation & Redevelopment Program)

  • Waste Oil Activities category includes:
    Waste Oil -

  • Infectious Waste Generator Activities category includes:
    Infectious Waste Generator -
      Nursing Home
      Physician Office/Clinic
      Dental Office/Clinic
      Veterinary Office/Clinic
      Clinical Laboratory
      Dialysis Clinic

  • Infectious Waste Sharps Collection category includes:
    Sharps Collection Station

  • Infectious Waste Storage/Treatment/Processing Facilities category includes:
    Processing Infectious Waste Treatment

  • Infectious Waste Transporters category includes:
    Infectious Waste Transporter

  • Hazardous Waste Generator Activities category includes:
    Hazardous Waste Generator -
      Temporary (no longer valid)
      Very Small
    Hazardous Waste -
      One time UST Tank Removal
      Large Generator - One time/Periodic
      Small Generator - One time/Periodic
      Very Small Generator - One time/Periodic

  • Hazardous Waste Treatment/Storage/Disposal Facilities category includes:
    Hazardous Waste Storage -
      Container Commercial
      Container Interim License Commercial
      Tank Commercial
      Tank Interim License Commercial
      Waste Piles Commercial
      Waste Piles Interim License Commercial
      Misc Commercial
      Misc Interim License Commercial
      Containment Building Commercial
      Container Non Commercial
      Container Interim License Non Commercial
      Tank Non Commercial
      Tank Interim License Non Commercial
      Waste Piles Non Commercial
      Waste Piles Interim License Non Commercial
      Misc Non Commercial
      Misc Interim License Non Commercial
    Hazardous Waste Treatment -
    Container Commercial
      Container Interim License Commercial
      Tank Commercial
      Tank Interim License Commercial
      Incinerator Commercial
      Incinerator Interim License Commercial
      Waste Piles Commercial
      Waste Piles Interim License Commercial
      Misc Commercial
      Misc Interim License Commercial
      Boiler/Industrial Furnace Commercial
      Container Non Commercial
      Container Interim License Non Commercial
      Tank Non Commercial
      Tank Interim License Non Commercial
      Incinerator Non Commercial
      Incinerator Interim License Non Commercial
      Waste Piles Non Commercial
      Waste Piles Interim License Non Commercial
    Hazardous Waste Treatment/Storage - Tank Commercial
    Hazardous Waste Treatment -
      Misc Non Commercial
      Misc Interim License Non Commercial
      Boiler/Industrial Furnace Non Commercial
    Hazardous Waste Treatment/Storage - Tank Non Commercial
    Hazardous Waste Disposal -
      Surface Impoundment Commercial
      Landfill Commercial
      Long Term Care Commercial
      Interim License Commercial
      Misc Commercial
      Misc Long Term Care Commercial
      Surface Impoundment Non Commercial
      Landfill Non Commercial
      Long Term Care Non Commercial
      Interim License Non Commercial
      Misc Non Commercial
      Misc Long Term Care Non Commercial

  • Hazardous Waste Exempt Treatment Activities category includes:
    Hazardous Waste -
      Exempt Recycling - General
      Legitimate Recovery & Reclamation
      Legitimate Burning
      Beneficial Use or Reuse
      POTW (Publicly Owned Treatment Works)
      On-Site Wastewater Treatment Unit
      Off-Site Wastewater Treatment Unit
      Treatment Exemptions

  • Hazardous Waste Transporters category includes:
    Hazardous Waste Transporter -
      Transporter - PCB-Full Service Contractor
      Transporter - Private

  • Hazardous Waste Transfer Facilities category includes:
    Hazardous Waste Transfer Facility

  • Hazardous Waste Miscellaneous Activities category includes:
    Universal Waste - Large Quantity Handler
    Hazardous Waste TSD (Out-of-State)
    Hazardous Waste Corrective Action Management Unit
    Hazardous Waste Inspection - Non-generator
    Duplicate EPA ID Number

EPA ID: A 12 character identification number assigned by DNR staff through EPA's RCRAInfo data system to sites involved in activities related to hazardous wastes, universal wastes and used oil. EPA Form 8700-12 Site Identification Form is used for first time notification as well as for updates of information. The form with instructions is available at EPA's website: http://www.epa.gov/epaoswer/hazwaste/data/form8700/forms.htm[Exit DNR]

Facility: An entity (a business, an operation, a governmental unit, a property owner, etc.) at a location currently or formerly involved in activities regulated by the Waste Management program of the DNR.

Facility Status:

  • Abandoned
    The DNR has no information about the previous occupant of a vacated site. This facility status is usually used in situations where waste has been abandoned at a site.
  • Closed
    There was at one time, a facility operating at this site, but the DNR has received information that the facility is no longer operating at this location.
  • Moved
    There was at one time, a facility operating at this site, but the DNR has received information that the facility has moved to another location.
  • Operating
    The site is currently occupied by a facility that is open & operating. The facility's operations may or may not involve activities that are regulated by the DNR Waste Management program.
  • Unknown
    Site occupancy by a facility has not been field verified & cannot be conclusively determined based on recent correspondence.

Facility ID/FID: A 9 digit identification number used by programs in the DNR to identify a site for several purposes including document tracking and consolidated environmental billing. Most sites regulated by the Waste Management Program have a FID and every effort is made to avoid assigning a duplicate number when several DNR programs are regulating activities at the same site.

License: Some activities regulated by the DNR Waste Management Program require license application, issuance and maintenance for a facility to legally participate in them. In addition to submittal of a completed application form, licensed activities may also require a plan review process, inspections and payment of fees before an annual operating license is issued.

License Status:

  • Exempt
    The activity is exempt from licensing requirements. For most activities exempt from licensing requirements, this data field is blank.
  • Expired
    The facility operating at the site was licensed for this activity, but the license has expired.
  • Licensed
    The facility operating at the site is currently licensed for this activity. The license period for annual operating licenses is Oct. 1st to Sept. 30th
  • Revoked
    The facility operating at the site was licensed for this activity, but the license was revoked by the DNR.
  • Suspended
    The facility operating at the site was licensed for this activity, but the license was suspended by the DNR.
  • Variance
    The facility operating at the site was issued a variance from the licensing requirements for this activity.
  • Waived
    The licensing requirements for this activity were waived for this facility operating at this site.

SHWIMS: The Solid and Hazardous Waste Information Management System is a database designed to track data of facilities/sites regulated by the Waste Management Program of the DNR. It includes facilities with ongoing waste related activities and those where the activities occurred at some time in the past.

Site: A physical location or contiguous property defined by address, legal description or coordinates of latitude/longitude.

Last Revised: June 19, 2014